Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Panada show

It's been all over the news, Tai Shan, the fourth Panada cub and the first to survive in the National Zoo in Washington. His name means "Peaceful Mountain" He'll make his appearance on Dec. 8th, already 13, ooo tickets have been sold to see this little guy.
I've been looking at the pictures that photographers have taken and have to say this panada is pretty cute and it's neat that soon people will be able to see Tai Shan for themselves. What I've learned from the reports is that he's the fourth Panada in thr U.S. and that when Tai Shan was born the zoo waited for 100 days to name him. People voted on his name. I hope when Tai Shan makes he's debut that everything runs smoothly for the little guy.

Plan B

On Sunday night I was watching 60 Minutes and one of their stories was Plan B and how FDA decdied that they were not going to allow Plan B to be sold over the counter. One of the reasons why FDA stopped Plan B from being sold over the counter was because many Catholic Churches and Cardinal Egan of New York believe that Plan B is an abortion pill but it's not. There is an abortin pill, RU-486 that a woman can take to stop a pregnancy to take place. Plan B is seen by doctors and by the medical soceity as a contraceptive.
One of the other reasons why FDA decided not to approve Plan B was that young girls could buy it and use it. I believe the FDA made the wrong decision, its our decision if women want to take the pill and no one else's. I believe its our right to decide to take Plan B or not and the FDA need to realize that Plan B isn't an abortion pill but a contraceptive that can be used. I believe the FDA needs to rethink their decision and listen to women and not the church or any other official and decide from there to do the right thing.

Plan B

On Sunday night I was watching 60 Minutes and one of their stories was Plan B and how FDA decdied that they were not going to allow Plan B to be sold over the counter. One of the reasons why FDA stopped Plan B from being sold over the counter was because many Catholic Churches and Cardinal Egan of New York believe that Plan B is an abortion pill but it's not. There is an abortin pill, RU-486 that a woman can take to stop a pregnancy to take place. Plan B is seen by doctors and by the medical soceity as a contraceptive.
One of the other reasons why FDA decided not to approve Plan B was that young girls could buy it and use it. I believe the FDA made the wrong decision, its our decision if women want to take the pill and no one else's. I believe its our right to decide to take Plan B or not and the FDA need to realize that Plan B isn't an abortion pill but a contraceptive that can be used. I believe the FDA needs to rethink their decision and listen to women and not the church or any other official and decide from there to do the right thing.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The Bears are off

It seems this year our government has been making stupid decisions or mistakes. Well it seems in my opinion have made another. Today I read on msnbc website that Bush has made the decision to take the grizzly off the endangered species list.
Gale Norton, Interior Secretary said, "A population that once plummeting towards extinction is now recovered." If by recovered she means that the population of grizzly is 600 then I guess that is progress. The three states that the grizzly is in right now is Yellowstone, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. The government has decided to have a 90-day comment peroid before a final decision is made. Basically their still leaving time on the clock for anyone to take up the cause to battle this decision out in the courts. But if this decision goes through that means that states I just listed are responsible for the bears and can decide what will happen to the bears.
If this doesn't get your attention the Republican party wants to change the Endangered Species Act, making the government less responsible for the wild life in our country.
I believe our government is making a huge mistake. These bears shouln't be taken off the list just because the population is at 600. If the decision goes through this puts the bears in danger again, perhaps to the point where the grizzly won't be able to come back. To read more about the decison go to www.msnbc.com

Monday, November 14, 2005

After the earthquake

I was watching 60 Minutes and saw a story about 13 doctors helping survivors after the earthquake that took place in Pakistan. The doctors are all from New York and wanted to help people, what surprised me was that the doctors are the only ones there helping the people. The story reported that after five weeks the earthquake occurred U.N. America and other countries haven't sent help for the survivors. The death toll has risen to 90,000 and there are people with no shelter not even tents for people to live in.
This really disgust me because these doctors shouldn't be on their own helping the survivors. Others countries, including our own should send some support. It doesn't matter if the support is in medicine, food, tents, blankets, whatever the support is, it should be there. I know that right now America is trying to get back on its feet after New Orleans, and the Gulf Coast but we should still be doing something to help the Pakistani. To read the report go to http://www.cbs.com/

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Solar Energy to be voted

I was reading on a www.msnbc.com that a town Livermore, California will be voting on Measure D to have solar energy. If it passes the developers Pardee Homes will build 2,450 new houses that will be equipped for solar energy. What I found rather odd is that environmental groups and much of the city council are against the measure. I would think with energy prices going up and basically everything else going up that the environmental groups would see this as the right step to helping our planet.
The housing developer has promised to build 130 acre sports park, preserve 750 acres of open space and also build a new high school if Measure D should pass. I really don't know if Measure D will pass, however, the solar energy houeses and the porject itself does sound like a good idea to cut down on energy costs for California.

Here comes the Boondocks

The "Boondocks" will be making their way to Television on Cartoon Network. The "Boondocks" were created by Aaron McGruder, who people might say is an angry African American. I've read some of "Boondocks" in the L.A.newspaper and have to admit I like what his characters have to say about our country. McGruder is not afraid to speak his mind about the government or how Bush messes things up. Recently I've heard in the news and also read in News Week magazine that the "Boondocks" will become a cartoon show. However, the cartoon was going to be aired on FOX, but there's been reports that FOX network was too afraid of the lanuage and content of the cartoon. So now they'll appear on Cartoon Network.
McGruder in the past has faced critics who feel that the "Boondocks" shouldn't appear in newspapers and that the cartoon is too racially charged, singaling out certain people. However, I believe people like to read what McGruder has to say about the world and about our governmeent besides hearing it from people like Chris Rock or reading "Doonesbury" So I for one will be watching the cartoon and see if it lives up to the comic strip. To see the comic strip on line go to a

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


I went to www.msnbc.com and clicked to U.S.News to read what's going on in the country beside the the scandle that's hitting the White House. I found on the website that military recruiters are visiting highschools to try to enlist graduating seniors. Parents at one highschool, Bethesda, were angery that the military recruiters came and demanded that they leave their children alone. There's even a group Leave My Child Alone, based in San Francisco that's trying to make it harder for military recruiters to contact their children.
In spite of this the Pentagon has a launched $80 million dollar campaign to encourage parents to allow their children to enlist. My first question is where did the Pentagon get this money? Isn't the country supposed to be in debt? And why does it have to cost America $80 million dollars for this new campaign? I find this amount wastful when we can use that money to go to New Orleans, the Gulf Coast, or even to some type of research. I also agree with the parents that are protesting the recruiters that are visiting the high schools. I remember one time recruiters were visiting my junior college Saddleback College. They were trying to get people to sign up, one young man dressed in hippie style was told to go back to Canada. That remark right there turn me off from the recruiters.
What really need to happen in my opinion we need to end this war, send our troops home and leave the Middle East alone. But I know that's not going to happen.

Prince's Trip

Prince Charles is in New York City, it's been more than a decade since he's made an appearance in America. I watched an interview on 60 Minutes by Steve Kroft and I have to say I found the interview quite boring. Kroft was right away told by the Prince's media people that he couldn't ask anything personal. Personal by asking about his family, new wife, and if he's happy. My only thought to that was why did Prince Charles agreed to an interview? A reporter, like Kroft whose seasoned in interviewing people should be allowed to ask those tough questions becuase most Americans, like myself don't really know much about the Prince.
What I did find internesting in the interview was that the prince has developed a town on his own land called Poundbury. The town is located in Dorechestor south of England. I googled it and found a webpage, www.poundbury.info/236489.html It was alright, the website is promoting the town, they have several things for people to choose and look at, such as a newsletter, promoting local writers, what newspapers are saying about the town. Overall I thought the website was cute but I wouldn't save it under Favorites.